Currently I am a second year Life Sciences and Chemistry student at the University of Aplied Sciences Inholland in Amsterdam
Since 2015 I am a competitive swimmer I have 17 different swimming certificates including Life Saver. on the side, I play water polo. (noncompetitive) a few years ago me and my team went to the Noord Holland finals, unfortunately, we did not win. individually I've won many medals and tiles
Currently, I am working as a Tutor/study coach for high school students and elementary school students in the subjects of Biology, English, and Geography
I am currently taking a graphic design course for 3D model sprites for the game I am making. The game is about killing bacteria with Macrophages
I love Traveling right now I have been to over 12 different countries. Learning about other cultures and differences in people's lifestyles is a passion I've always had. the next destinations on my bucket list are: Japan, Egypt, America and Russia
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